Monday, June 27, 2005

Jr. Hi Mission to York 2005: Part 3

Favorite Scenes
1. McDonald's Runs-The boys discovered the McD's was close to my house and wanted to go there the first night. So we ended up having our devo's there every night. That was cool.
2. Rotten Strawberries-Our first ministry site was Our Daily Bread, a soup kitchen that gives breakfast and lunch to people in need. We helped in the back, organizing food, preparing food and whatever was needed. While we were there a truck dropped off 12 boxes of strawberries, each box containing 8 quarts of strawberries. Half the Strawberries were rotten, some so rotten and soft that when you went to pick them up they fell through your fingers. It was gross. Anyways, we sifted through them and chopped up the good ones. They should be set on strawberries for years to come.
3. Fartage-The first night the guys were in the house there was some farting festival. It was crazy. I was upstairs in my bedroom, which is connected to the living room where the guys were sleeping by a vent. And I could easily hear them. Loud and rumbling they were. And then the king of it all was when I could smell the worst fart all the way upstairs in my bedroom. The thing smelled like car oil. That's stinky.

There's more, but that's all I have time for right now.

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