Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Aubrey and I are heading down to VA to be with her family and my family. My sister and Nana are down there...

We're excited about the possibility of resting.

Also, it's my sister's birthday! Happy Birthday Susan!

It's always good to reconnect with family...this past weekend, we went to Allentown to be with my Uncle Jeff, Grandma Joan, Aunt Elain, Jonathan and Linda. I love being with them. Jonathan and Linda are brilliant kids who always beat me when we play chess. And they love to wrestle. They tell me that I am like a walking ferris wheel, b/c I spin them around so much...that's fun!

1 comment:

Sam said...

Keep it real in VA dude. I've got a little something to tell you just in case I need some counsel. Last time I did this, we were chatting in a stairwell on Johnson Main for a while...Oh if that's not a tease, I don't know what is.