Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Praying through the phone

So, scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5 and elsewhere guides us to be in prayer, to be in touch with God, to throw up our hearts to Her at all times. I've often wondered how to make that practical, how to find ways that will assist me in doing this.

Last night I accidently discovered a method I plan on using again in the future. I was editing my contact list on my phone, which includes family, youth workers, friends, pastoral staff, teens. It reminded me of many of their situations and so I began to pray for them as I went down through the list. So, now, I think I may use this method again. Praying through my contact info...

This has piqued my interest. Are there any practical methods you have found to pray continually? I'd be interested in finding out...

[an addendum to the original post: you can have prayers text messaged directly to your phone. check it out! Ha! For only 7.99 a month! Nobody said prayer was cheap.]


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh it's Eric/Taft/Tate/Tatinator. I came to Winter Retreat with Brad this year.

I gotta say I think this idea is pretty sweet. I'm going to have to give it a shot myself. Anyways, later.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

eric, i heard from Leonard Sweet of an idea for myspace...using the top eight (or twenty-four) as the people you are praying for.

Anonymous said...

nowhere in the bible do i see the characters do this. this is utterly unbiblical. good thing you're saved by grace.

Freddy said...

There are a lot of different ideas that go along these lines. You can go through IM buddy lists, through email contacts, etc. But I find myself most often getting into the habit of praying for the people I meet on my way to places like school or the supermarket or what not. I hope you're picking up what I'm throwing down.

brad said...

hate to do this, but i tagged you my friend, check out my blog under, 'stasys' post:)